Regional Contact Member – Kay Carpenter

Congratulations to members who have been using shows around the region this year to showcase Jacob sheep and highlight the many great reasons as to why we keep this age-old breed, which continues to woo new members with their many attributes, including the fact that they are hardy, prolific, easy lambing, great mothers with longevity as well as the obvious individual beauty in their appearance.


Thank you to Howard Walsh for his full report on the Worcester show and sale in this Journal. The move to a Saturday has seemingly been a success and drew a crowd ringside more akin to the crowds we were used to back in the day when it was known as the English premier show and sale, so please put in your diaries next year’s date, which has been confirmed with McCartneys auctioneers, as Saturday 27th July 2024.

Central Region Flock Competition 

As I write this the judges are carrying out the mammoth task of visiting 16 flocks entered from 7 of the 8 counties in the region. I am certain that Clive Richardson, Border Flock, and Wyn Harries, Hope Flock, will be impressed by what the region has to offer and so therefore happy to cover the miles. However, it is a very big ask and we are grateful for their commitment and effort.


Wyn Harries and Clive Richardson judging at Ridout & Higginson’s Meadowland flock in Cheshire.

Results Presentation at The Autumn AGM & Open Day 

Results will be available from Sunday 5th November with presentations taking place at the regions Autumn AGM this year being held at Park Farm, Derbyshire DE73 8AB. It promises to be another fabulous open day with a great deal going on. There will be the chance to see Tori and Ben Stanleys’ 70 cow suckler herd of pedigree Longhorn Cattle and crossbreds and their two small flocks of pedigree sheep, the Blackbrook Jacob sheep and a recently established Border Leicester flock.


Blackbrook shearling, champion and reserve champion at the Great Yorkshire Show 2023

Young Handlers 

Young handlers have been invited to attend the very informal training session held by Hayley and Abbie Higginson of Meadowland Flock that will be held alongside the events of the autumn open day, culminating in a mini show in the afternoon, with rosettes and prizes for all who attend.

The Central region will also be holding its’ annual presentation of Young Handler awards for accumulated points throughout the showing season.


Amber and Oliver Garratt, Buckatree Flock, competing in the Young Handlers class at a very wet Tenbury Show.

Upcoming events

The English Winter Fair held at Staffordshire County Showground every year will take place over the weekend of the 18th & 19th November. This is another opportunity to showcase the Jacob breed, as well as being a great get together. There is a separate Jacob class and if you haven’t been before come along to see pairs of ewe lambs, wether lambs or a mix of the two being shown in a carcass class, where only the conformation and not markings are judged. There is a chance to sell your lambs at the end, but this is not obligatory, you can simply take them home if you prefer.

The Sunday is also a further chance for Jacob Young Handlers to show their skills in the classes split by age up to 21 years old. Hope to see you there.


The region’s members will be gathering together for a social Christmas lunch in Worcestershire on Saturday 9th December. No actual sheep involved in this event – just their owners. Please contact me if you are interested. With that last thought in mind, it just leaves me to wish you all a very happy Christmas, a prosperous New Year and a successful lambing!

To contact Kay please email: or Tel 07771 511445


Winter 2023

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